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Lichty accessible to public

It’s been a busy political season with debates, candidate forums and all manner of candidate outreach designed to inform voters. These opportunities to engage our candidates are important voter education tools. When candidates decline to participate, it robs voters of the opportunity to know their legislators. Jeff Holy is one such candidate. He has refused to debate Shar Lichty, his opponent in the 6th Legislative District, Position 2 race, and has been missing in action at any number of forums and panels.

Because of Lichty’s willingness to speak to constituents, I know of her experience and that she will be a strong voice in Olympia for Eastern Washington working families, children, the elderly as well as small business.

However, I know very little about Holy except that he has apparently voted against bills supporting these issues that are important to me. I have also read that he is closely aligned with Matt Shea. Without the opportunity to meet and question candidates, voters have little more than supposition to go on.

I’ll vote for the candidate who is accessible and willing to answer to the public.

Linda McHenry


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