In parody photo Idaho man is pregnant king to Beyoncé’s queen

Beyoncé may be queen, but Christian O’Bryan is the king … of parody.
When O’Bryan, who lives in Moscow, Idaho, saw Queen Bey’s photo announcing she was pregnant with twins, he noticed one thing in particular.
“Oh my gosh, that’s the exact same car that we have,” he said to his wife. “Then we thought, ‘We’re probably going to have to do this.’ ”
O’Bryan called his dad, who is a photographer, and said, “Hey, can you come take a Beyoncé picture of me? And he said, ‘OK, I’ll be right over.’ ”
It took about an hour and a half on Sunday to take the photo, he said. He posted it to Facebook. That’s when one of O’Bryan’s friends asked him if he could post it to Reddit.
The photo, posted Monday, has gone viral. In it, a shirtless O’Bryan poses on top of a run-down red Porsche 914 in front of a blue tarp held up by two of his friends. Foliage from his Christmas tree is stuffed into the interior of the car.
On Reddit it has more than 1 million views, 38,000 upvotes and more than 1,000 comments. O’Bryan said he hoped the photo would go viral, but had no expectations.
Beyoncé announced she was pregnant with twins on Feb. 1 in an Instagram post.
A mechanical engineer at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, O’Bryan owns three Porsche 914s. Two of them, including the one pictured, are his parts cars. He has one yellow Porsche that runs.
As for any hesitation to bare it all on camera, O’Byran said he’s been well-trained. Growing up, his father often used him as a subject for his photographs.
O’Bryan had seen other parody photos of Beyoncé, but never one with a red Porsche. He figures the demographics of Porsche ownership are in his favor.
“Most owners of 914s are probably older guys who probably don’t even know who Beyoncé is,” he said.