I-1552 stokes fear
Grace Zentz’s June 30th letter to the editor titled “Why Initiative 1552” played up the threat of men wantonly invading women’s restrooms. It implied that women and children had been stripped of any right to use the bathroom or locker room in peace by the Washington State Human Rights Commission in 2015. This is false, and many of the “concerns” of those behind 1552 have already been addressed by the WSHRC.
The WSHRC’s “Frequently Asked Questions Regarding WAC 162-32-060 Gender-segregated Facilities” (it’s online, please google it) makes clear that no matter someone’s gender, entering a bathroom or locker room to prey on people is illegal.
Regardless, it’s been almost two years since the law went into effect. Our bathrooms and locker rooms aren’t a hunting ground for perverts. The people behind I-1552 are just stoking fear of the unknown to persecute our transgender friends and neighbors. If you’re scared by transgender people, or don’t understand them, take five minutes and go to transequality.org to inform yourself. No one will judge you for seeking information (in good faith) on a lived experience that’s different than yours.
Gian Mitchell
Spokane Valley