Eyman launches initiative to toss Sound Transit car-tab taxes
SEATTLE – Anti-tax initiative promoter Tim Eyman says he’s launching a new initiative to the Legislature to toss out Sound Transit’s car-tab taxes and instead tax every vehicle in the state at $30.
The Seattle Times reported Tuesday that Eyman said his latest initiative would give voters a chance at a “do over” after they approved a plan in November for than 60 miles of light rail in the Seattle region funded by car-tab and other taxes.
The initiative requires nearly 260,000 signatures to be collected by Dec. 29. If achieved, the initiative would go to the Legislature where it could be voted into law. If not, the initiative would be placed on the ballot at the next statewide general election.
Eyman is currently facing a $2.1 million lawsuit from the state attorney general alleging that he misused campaign funds for personal expenses.