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Don’t dip it: your perfectly good pizza slice doesn’t belong in a glass of milk

Shaun Thompson Duffy grates Parmigiano-Reggiano over top a pizza with goat cheese, tomatoes and pepperoni at a backyard pizza party in Port Falls in this file photo. (Adriana Janovich / The Spokesman-Review)

Apparently, people have been dipping pizza in milk.

The Internet offers proof of this phenomenon.

But, just because people are doing it – and posting about it – doesn’t mean you should do it, too.

Squeezing a little honey on a crispy pizza crust after the rest of the slice is consumed – as they encourage at Village Pizza Co. in Roslyn – is perfectly acceptable.

But dipping a slice of hot pizza with melty cheese into a cold glass of milk?

Ew. Just ew.

Of course, it works for warm chocolate chip cookies.

But pizza? No.

Anyone else think this is the wrong combination?

Or, is this the next best thing? And does the kind of milk matter? Two percent? Whole? Nonfat?

Weigh in here.