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Parents have influence

My fellow dear Spokanites: Many of you may have had reeling thoughts the past few days about the Las Vegas shooting. Everyone wants to know, “why?” This is indeed a human need, to have closure.

May I humbly offer an explanation as investigators continue to search for answers? Stephen Paddock had a father but he was physically absent for a significant part of his life. And with this explanation comes a plea. Husbands and fathers, don’t underestimate your influence. May your strength be a bridled, gentle strength - fierce when your family is threatened, playful when with your sons and daughters.

Wives and mothers, don’t underestimate your influence - your husband needs to know you are behind him in setting a vision for your family. You set the tone and pace in an American life that can too easily become busy and dark.

Mr. Paddock was a “child who dealt corruptly,” but no wonder, because he was the “offspring of an evildoer” (Isaiah 1:4). Being a wife and a mom myself, I know with increasing clarity I can’t remain cheerful in the face of the pressure of this world without the Lord. More than ever, my friends, we need God.

Megan Kioski


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