Indaba Coffee plans Kendall Yards location; will include Hello Sugar doughnut shop

A new commercial building is going up in the central part of Kendall Yards, the trendy and booming development just northwest of downtown Spokane in the West Central neighborhood.
The building, 2341 W. Centennial Place, will house Indaba Coffee’s third location and Hello Sugar, a doughnut shop.
Bobby Enslow, Indaba’s owner, said he anticipates the new location being open in the New Year, but acknowledged the project’s time line has shifted before.
“We wanted to be open in July and we signed a lease for September,” he said. “And here we are.”
When complete, the coffee and doughnut shop will have two big garage doors that will open toward the park. One door will be in the cafe; the other will be for the coffee roasting room, which will feature a 20-pound capacity coffee roaster.
Enslow, who lives in West Central with his wife and three kids, said this part of Kendall Yards is planned to be quieter and more residential than the existing strip, which he called “busy and a bit touristy.” The new location is on the multi-use Centennial Trail and across the street from the Olmsted Brothers Green playground and shelter.
The model for the doughnut shop is based on Pip’s Original Donuts in Portland. A friend of Enslow’s will sublease space in the new shop as a “proof of concept.”
Another building will be raised directly to the north and will also be commercial, Enslow said.
Indaba’s original location in West Central is at 1425 W. Broadway Ave. The downtown location is at 210 N. Howard St.
Greenstone Corp. is the owner and developer of the 78-acre development. It owns the building and is the project’s contractor. Spokane-based Uptic Studios designed the building. Summit Engineering, also of Spokane, did the engineering.