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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Miss Manners: Plane ticket ‘gift’ comes with bill attached

By Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin Andrews McMeel Syndication

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My nephew and his friend planned to drive to another state for a college dance when the friend’s mother came forward with airplane tickets for both boys. After they’d accepted, the mother requested $200 from my nephew to cover the cost of the ticket she’d bought for him.

He paid her off in installments, but I found this profoundly unfair, since she presented him with the bill after the fact. While his friend is quite wealthy, my nephew is working his way through college.

I wanted to give him advice on how to handle such a situation, if he’s unlucky enough to have it happen again in the future, but I was at a loss.

GENTLE READER: It is rude to inquire of a would-be gift-giver if one should expect a bill. This is unfortunate, given how many people these days appear to be confused about the underlying concept.

But Miss Manners has a simpler solution. When asked about the airplane ticket, your nephew should have politely refused on the grounds that he could not accept such an expensive gift. This would have clarified the terms of the proposed gift, while preventing him from being tricked into an expense he could ill afford.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My brother-in-law passed away suddenly, and his wife is planning to have a “celebration of life” memorial. That’s fine.

However, she and her husband were party people, and so are their friends. The memorial she is planning is described as a “happy” party.

Most of the extended family are not drinkers and prefer not to attend an event that will consist of what we anticipate will be heavy drinking. I think we should attend, sit in the back with our sodas, and remember my brother-in-law more quietly, just by being there.

Much of the rest of the family doesn’t want to drive all the way there and back (six hours each way) just to sit around watching people drink. There’s some discussion of having a more somber (and sober) memorial closer to home for the family.

I think this shows disrespect to our lost loved one and his wife (though I’d prefer to attend that myself). Suggestions on what we should do?

GENTLE READER: Picking a fight with the principal mourner after a funeral is no more productive than picking a fight with a bride. Less so, as the mourner is often more sympathetic – and more likely to burst into tears.

This is not to say that the mourner is acting intelligently or responsibly. The increasingly common practice of throwing a party smacks of celebrating the death, and while this may not bother your brother-in-law’s wife, it understandably grates on other relatives’ nerves.

The distant relatives may send heartfelt condolences – and apologies – in place of themselves. As a closer relative, you may have to frown and bear it, especially if your brother-in-law’s wife is also your sister.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email,; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.