Morel mushroom harvesting permits go on sale

Morel mushroom permits will go on sale May for commercial harvesting of mushrooms in the Jolly Mountain fire area, according to a news release from the Okanogon-Wenatchee National Forest.
The permits are required if people plan to collect or posess more than five gallons of mushrooms per day or if they intend to sell the mushrooms, according to the release.
A two-day permit costs $30, a 30 day permit costs $80 and a season permit costs $100. The season runs from May 1 through July 31.
Maps and instructions are available online. Two areas will be designated as commercial mushroom harvester camps—Salmon La Sac and North Fork Teanaway on the Cle Elum Ranger District. Commercial mushroom harvesters will be directed to use these locations when staying overnight in the national forest, according to the news release.
There is no fee for personal collection, however harvesters must carry a copy of the Free Incidental Use Mushroom Information Sheet. This information sheet can be printed at
For more information contact any Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest office during business hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or visit