Response to “Politics and Religion”
Tim Beamer (“Politics and religion,” Feb. 5) is one of the growing number of materialistic scoffers who see religion as nothing more than an emotional crutch for unlearned people. He is apparently unaware that many of the great scientists of the past (and present) were devout believers in Christ. Einstein once said “It is impossible to study the Universe and not see God behind it.”
I certainly agree that real science involves devising theories, and then performing tests to prove them. Many times, the tests actually negated the theory. For instance: it was once thought that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that everything else was embedded in crystal spheres surrounding it. Copernicus proved this idea wrong. Darwin’s theory of evolution does not explain the explosion of life during the so-called Cambrian period. Nor does the “Big Bang” explain how the original “soup mix” got here in the first place.
In conclusion, I will simply caution the scoffers not to write off Christ. The Bible predicted a number of modern-day events: including the move toward a cashless society and the emergence of an RF microchip that will eventually replace every card in your wallet.
Douglas Benn