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Pro-life and pro-gun

I had to laugh at Charity Catlin’s letter, “Snyder for District 1 in Idaho” (April 29, 2018).

So it appears Charity believes it’s okay to take away the reproductive rights of women because she finds the “… history, mission, and practices” of Planned Parenthood “reprehensible.” I doubt she has ever read the history of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood or the actual Mission Statement of that organization.

However, she does seem eager to protect the rights of gun owners without discussing why “gun control is a hot-button topic these days.” Makes me wonder how many “pro-gun” activists there are trying to protect their right to own an automatic assault rifle (the weapon used in many of the recent mass shootings which is designed to kill many people quickly) while at the same time wanting to take away the right to access safe and effective birth control and other reproductive health services (most of the services provided at Planned Parenthood are not abortions).

It’s as if she wants to save the unborn so that they can grow up and go to school only to be shot dead by guns that are easy to access. How antithetical is that?

Diane Belyea


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