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Hatred isn’t just history

A recent science museum visit reminded me that there is only one race, the human race – religiously, God created us (all) in His image - yet it’s often difficult to understand others. For instance, a Roma college professor taught me that “I got gypped!” is disparaging.

The real threat to our “self-evident,” Creator-endowed truths of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (at school, work, worship, leisure) is our countless hateful or angry mass killings — well over 90% since 9/11 by American-born white males, many young or former military — and roundups.

Since “… we … remember … the silence of our friends” (Martin Luther King Jr.), I invite readers to say with me, “I am Spartacus!” I speak for blacks, continuing to suffer injustices from structural racism; for Jews and Muslims; for Mexicans and Native Americans, to whom our Southwest and country respectively originally belonged; for immigrants and refugees, who improve our economy with fewer “social benefits” over their lifetimes, their work ethic, and less crime in their communities; and for many others.

Hating “the other” is not only history; it is now: “Terrible things are happening outside. At any time … people are being dragged out … Children come home from school to find their parents have disappeared.” - 14-year old Anne Frank, Jan. 1943.

Judy Silverstein


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