Booby trap injures city worker cleaning out illegal camp

While breaking up an illegal camp yesterday, a city employee’s foot was impaled by a hidden booby trap.
Code enforcement, city clean up crews, and police officers investigated an illegal camp on the 1300 block of South Lindeke Street, according to a Spokane Police Department statement.
At the camp, they found 41-year-old Clyde E. Walling Jr.
Walling tried to flee from police but eventually complied with commands and was arrested on a warrant issued by the state Department of Corrections.
As the cleanup crew moved through the camp they found multiple boards with nails driven through them similar to a spike strip, the statement says.
One city employee stepped on a concealed board and suffered a puncture wound, according to the police department.
They also found trip wires attached to aluminum cans as a type of alarm, according to the police statement.
Police also found 10 marijuana plants.
Walling was charged with second-degree assault and manufacturing of a controlled substance.