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Where the blame belongs

What’s wrong with people in this country? There is one person (and one party) to blame for the asinine government shutdown. Donald Trump is responsible.

Remember what he said in December to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? “I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. I am proud to shut down the government for border security.” Why can’t his base accept facts? Because Trump constantly rails against media, calling their news “fake” doesn’t make it so. This is a man who continues to govern through false facts and lies. His erratic actions are needlessly hurting this country and causing hardship to hundreds of thousands of federal employees. The wall issue is his and his only.

Facts will tell you a wall is a waste of money. For him to use the wall, fence, string or whatever he calls it today as the reason to punish Americans is unconscionable. The economy is also being hurt. He can end the suffering today by reopening government and begin honest intelligent negotiations. Open your minds and tell your president to act like one!

Chris Powell


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