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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Mama Bear Moxie: Reflecting on the past year with the Spokesman

By Kristina Phelan For The Spokesman-Review

I like to end every calendar with a direct note to readers.

I have been writing for The Spokesman-Review for a full year now and am so grateful to have the opportunity to grace the pages of such a great newspaper. I have fond memories of reading the paper as a college student at Eastern as well as taking the bus from Cheney to downtown Spokane in the pre-Uber days.

I have to say my Spokesman readers are some of the more vocal readers of my columns. Many of you have sent emails after reading a column that you either loved or absolutely disagreed with. We have differing opinions, and I know my opinion isn’t gospel that is applicable to the masses. I welcome those readers who choose to disagree with me respectfully. They made me stop and think further on topics.

Much to my dismay, the most controversial column was the “No Top Sheet” piece stating my choice to not have a top sheet on my bedding. You wouldn’t believe the number of emails that I received after that was published! Who knew something as trivial as a top sheet could spark such strong opinions. It got to the point that I didn’t even want to open up my emails anymore. I get that the departure of top sheets is a somewhat new idea, but I never expected backlash on what I considered to be a lighter subject matter.

In the coming year, I plan to write more about my experience as a mother in today’s world. I will be adding in a few book reviews on parenting as well as how to better connect with children. Some of those will highlight my experience as an adoptive mother as well.

Lastly, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my column. It is a privilege I don’t take for granted. It encourages me to keep writing. I hope I can provide you with something to think about as well as times when you agree or disagree with my opinion. I hope my words can be an encouragement to other parents out there as well as shed light on some hard issues that come up in our modern world.

If there is something in your life that you think would be a good fit for this column, please let me know! I am happy to address those issues readers are having in their own parenting in order to encourage others. I appreciate everyone who reads Mama Bear Moxie, and I am ending this year incredibly thankful.

Happy New Year!

Kristina Phelan is a former Spokane-area resident now living in Illinois. Visit her website at