Excavator stolen from construction site near ilani

Clark County deputies are looking for a bright orange excavator stolen early Friday morning from a construction site near ilani.
The Kubota U55-4R3AP excavator went missing from the future site of C Store, which is being built near the casio west of La Center at Exit 16.
The suspect, or suspects, entered the construction site and left with the large machine on a flatbed trailer attached to a full-sized truck, Clark County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post.
Anyone with information about the theft should email detectives Jon Pound at jpound@cowlitz.org or Joe Higgs at jhiggs@cowlitz.org.
The sheriff’s office provided a picture of a Kubota excavator similar to the one stolen last week. The machine is orange with a gray cab, deputies said.
Both the sheriff’s office and the Cowlitz Tribal Department of Public Safety Department are investigating the theft.