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What is ‘fake news’?

What does Leonard Pitts mean when he states “…if Fox wants to be treated like a legitimate news organization, the mandate is simple. Act like one.”

David Rhoades was president of CBS News while his brother Ben Rhoades was Obama’s national security adviser, and Ben was responsible for editing the talking points related to the Benghazi incident. Does this make CBS legitimate?

Or, Virginia Moseley, who was CNN’s vice president and Washington bureau chief and was married to Tom Nides, a deputy secretary of state under Barack Obama. Does this make CNN legitimate? How about when CNN’S Donna Brazille leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton? Is that what legitimate means?

“Fake News” is defined as hoaxes, propaganda and disinformation purporting to be real news on internet websites. Perhaps omitting certain facts whether on the internet or in print should also be added to the definition.

Pitts might be better off writing opinions with the whole truth, or maybe he can spend his time trying to answer this one simple question posed by NBA great Charles Barkley: “The poor have been voting Democrat for 50 years and they’re still poor. What’s up with that?”

Doug Zwischenberger


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