No bullies allowed
Congratulations to Shawn Vestal on the well-written article (“Sacrificed on the altar of football,” Oct. 2) regarding Coach Leach demeaning his players. As a Coug alumni, you gave voice to my feelings and hopefully others’.
It sickens and saddens me to watch each week as Coach Leach berates, embarrasses, belittles and ridicules his football players during and after the game. The final blow is hearing these young, impressionable football players reciting his negativity about themselves.
Surprisingly, the UCLA coach tried a different approach when WSU was winning the game at half time. He encouraged his players that they could win the game. He believed in them!
We all watched in shock as the UCLA team believed their coach and in themselves. How quickly the score changed. Maybe Coach Leach could follow this lead?
Wake up, President Kirk Schulz, Athletic Director Pat Chun and WSU alumni. Our world has enough bullies. We are Coug Country not Bully Country! We are better than this.
Laurie Clark