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Mead School District bullies

Shame on the Mead School Board and teacher’s union. Leading the parade of school districts around the state, Mead was one of the first districts in Spokane County to negotiate a new teacher’s contract raising teacher salaries 16%. The teacher’s union was very happy. Members approved the deal by a vote of 489 to 4.

But it was a bad deal because the district can’t afford it and they knew it. Every district in the state knew it. As the Yakima Herald wrote, “When lawmakers overhauled the state’s education budget, they were well aware they were setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to the most chaotic summer of teacher-contract negotiations in recent memory. Now, educators and school districts throughout Washington are left with a problem that was totally expected.”

So now Mead schools want more money. Totally expected. And they’re using maximum leverage by bullying the voters in the district, saying it’s all about safety, security and wellness. It’s not – it’s about accountability.

Voters provided Mead with a $114 million bond for new schools last year. But we deserve better accountability on running the schools.

Eric Green


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