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Don’t be hypocritical

So they want to ban abortions, and are passing laws that make it illegal and any attempt to abort a pregnancy is to put the woman in jail. Some states are going so far as to fine or incarcerate women who have miscarriages.

All of this because you say that killing is sin. Yet, you seem not to care about prisoners given the death penalty. Or about soldiers who die in action. Or women’s lives. Or Asian American, or black people, or Native Americans. All of that is quite clear.

The response to these dangerous and horridly hypocritical demands must be this: make rape a death penalty offense (after all, if you don’t care about killing women, you should not care about killing those who rape women). Make sexual molestation a life-in-prison offense. Even if these atrocious actions are perpetrated by spouses or brothers or fathers, etc., those penalties should apply.

It is far past time to call men into account for their actions. ALL people, including women, should be able to depend on their civil liberties as stated in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

Sandra Christensen


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