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Don’t let up on hygiene!

For the first time in many years, I did not get sick from a virus! I worked for a wonderful day care, practiced hand-washing and wore gloves but … if only parents had somewhere to take their children when they were sick and couldn’t miss work.

When my kids were in school, I couldn’t understand the Perfect Attendance award. Keep your kids home when they are sick! I hope everyone continues to use good hygiene when this pandemic is over. I cringe when I’m shopping and an adult sneezes real loud and they don’t even cover their nose/mouth! Even though I am fully vaccinated I’m keeping my mask and hand sanitizer in my car, especially in the winter months!

Just because COVID will eventually come to an end, protect yourself and others from ALL viruses.

Molly Hart

Chattaroy, Wash.

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(509) 459-3815

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