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Chalich the right choice

I do not live in the CVSD district so I cannot vote for this very important position. If I could I would support Stan and hope that you will too.

I worked with Stan Chalich for 32 years. I learned much from him: how to be a good husband, father, community member and teacher. He was demanding, diligent and dependable. Stan was also compassionate and caring and would always put students first.

I had a number of senior students approach me with their concerns of having to pass Mr. Chalich’s required civics class. “He was tough,” they would tell me. My advice each time was for them to go talk to Mr. Chalich and share their concerns. He would be fair, he would listen and he would work with you. Those who did soon learned that he was on their side and would support them every step of the way. Stan was always fair and honest with students. Stan impacted the lives of many and cared deeply for each one.

Stan Chalich will bring all of this with him when he is on the school board. He will listen, he will provide input and feedback and will always put the physical and mental health of students first.

Richard O’Brien


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