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100 years ago in Eastern Washington: A rider escaped a rodeo scare relatively unscathed

 (S-R archives)

Sam Bergman had a scare during the bucking horse event at the Winona (Washington) Race Meet and Rodeo.

His horse fell on him and he was dragged 100 feet.

He was not badly hurt. The most startling aspect of the story, at least from today’s perspective, was the headline: “Winona Rider Dragged.”

From the power beat: The Spokane Daily Chronicle ran a front page photo of The Washington Water Power Co.’s new construction project on the Spokane River near Post Street.

“Above thousands of tons of concrete embedded in the rock (around) a giant turbine, construction has started on the power plant superstructure,” the caption read.

This was apparently referring to what is today called the Upper Falls power station, which would be completed a little more than a year later.

The original generator is still in use. Washington Water Power is now known as Avista.

From the census beat: The Chronicle boasted that 1920 census figures showed “the intelligence of Spokane people.”

The paper noted that only 1.5% of the city’s populace was illiterate, and only 4% were “non-English-reading people.”

The paper further boasted that it reached “practically every English-speaking family.”

Also on this date

(From Associated Press)

1938: British, French, German and Italian leaders concluded the Munich Agreement, aimed at appeasing Adolf Hitler by allowing Nazi annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland.

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