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100 years ago in Spokane: A paper’s plan for World Series updates seemed modern in 1921, and a woman’s long-lost gold was in sight — even though she wasn’t
The Spokane Daily Chronicle announced that it would deliver up-to-the-minute World Series updates the modern way, via telegraph wire and megaphone.
The Associated Press would send the play-by-play accounts over its wire service, and then Joe Adams, a local announcer, would relay it via megaphone from a balcony at the Chronicle office to the gathered crowds on Monroe Street.
“The report will not only carry each play in detail, but will contain other interesting features such as attendance figures, players splits and sidelights to appease the baseball appetite of Spokane fans,” the paper said.
From the treasure beat: For decades, a woman named Eliza Turtle visited Quincy, Washington, in search of a lost cache of gold, buried by her father along the Columbia River.
The story began 40 years earlier, when Turtle accompanied her father to the gold fields of British Columbia. While the party was on the way back, laden with gold, they became alarmed by the approach of Indians, during a time of hostilities. So her father buried the gold, along with saddles, documents and personal effects, in caves and potholes along the river.
Years later, when the troubles died down, Turtle returned to the Quincy area to search for the gold buried by her father (now apparently deceased). Every summer, she hired local guides to help her look for the spot. But she never found it. She always said if she could just find where the saddles were buried, she “could walk right to the hiding place” of the gold.
Now, two Grant County men had made a discovery. While trapping a wolf, they stumbled upon a partially buried cache containing saddles, legal papers, jewelry and other items they believed were from the Turtle party.
They found no gold, but they were now in search of Turtle, who perhaps could lead them to the spot. Unfortunately, Turtle had not visited Quincy for years. They went to her former home in Salem, Oregon, but were told she had moved and no one knew her present address. The search for Turtle – and her gold – continued.