Train plays role in arrest of 5 people after reported drive-by shooting in Bellingham park
BELLINGHAM, Wash. – A passing train played a role in helping Bellingham Police arrest five people Friday evening after a reported drive-by shooting at Waypoint Park.
Nelson Y. Polanco, 18, was booked into Whatcom County Jail on Saturday on suspicion of unlawful possession of a firearm and drive-by shooting. Jail records show he was released on $7,500 bail Sunday.
The other four people arrested are juveniles, Lt. Chad Cristelli told the Bellingham Herald, and their names, ages and genders were not released.
Officers were called to the 1100 block of Granary Avenue at 10:46 p.m. Friday in response to a report of a shooting, according to the Bellingham Police Department’s incident log.
Police were told somebody stepped out of a black sedan at Waypoint Park and fired eight shots, Cristelli reported.
No injuries or damage were noted in Cristelli’s report.
As Polanco and the other suspects attempted to speed away from the park, their car was held up by a passing train at a railroad crossing, Cristelli said.
Police found several guns and spent shell casings in the car, as well as narcotics, according to Cristelli. The vehicle was seized, and police were awaiting a warrant to search it.