Dear Annie 12/6
Dear Annie: I feel for the woman who is being ignored or criticized by her husband constantly and who wants out of the marriage. I’m in almost the exact situation, with an unloving husband who begs not to get a divorce. I wanted to offer some suggestions for resources she can use.
She should go to the local women’s shelter. They will help her keep a record of things that happen, and they will give her access to an incredible amount of resources, usually including lawyers. Because there’s abuse, there are family and divorce lawyers who will help her pro bono (for free). The shelter could also offer help with counseling, classes, job searching, getting restraining orders if necessary and even emergency shelter, should she need to take her kids and leave.
I hope she is able to get out of her situation. She should record everything, go talk to the women’s shelter and keep moving forward to get him out of her life completely. She deserves a happy life with her kids, and without her abuser. She should know that many of us believe her and wish her the best of luck. – Trust Me, I Know
Dear Trust Me: Thank you for your letter. When you are going through a tough time, it is helpful to have other people reach out and share their stories as to how they got out of their particular tough time. I hope your letter brings comfort to those going through similar situations to know they are not alone and to know that there is help out there.
Dear Annie: The reader who signed her name “Nothing Gets Better” was dealing with an abusive husband and not sure where to turn. I felt for her, and I wanted to offer an additional possible solution for her: The YWCA might also be a place for her to call and/or contact.
Thanks for your column. – Another Suggestion
Dear Another Suggestion: Great advice! Thank you for writing.
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