Proving to be ‘ho hum’ on safety
I am glad that Mr. Stuart supported his daughter and the Freeman school she attended following the shooting there, and that he has “feelings” following other shootings (“Gun owners are not ‘ho hum’ about safety,” Jan. 2). He is human. Good for him.
But two-thirds of his letter to the editor then goes on to complain about and belittle efforts to improve gun safety. Not once does he mention any activity he has undertaken or been involved in that is aimed at making gun ownership and use more safe.
Because he thinks people who are interested in gun safety can’t write, and then pass a gun law that is perfect (must “perfect” be the enemy of “good”?) and to his liking he dismisses them all without suggesting any other solution. Which leads me to conclude he is absolutely “ho hum” about gun safety. Ho hum indeed.
Kim Anderson