Two killed in three-wheeler crash in Coeur d’Alene

A man and woman were killed in a collision on Wednesday afternoon at Government Way and Canfield Avenue in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho State Police said.
The two people who died were a 93-year-old man from Spirit Lake, who was driving, and his passenger, a 63-year-old woman from Hayden.
Their names have not been released.
According to state police, they were traveling north on Government Way on a three-wheel Can-Am motorcycle when they collided with a Toyota Highlander that was about to turn left from Canfield Way onto Government Way at about 12:10 p.m.
The two occupants of the Toyota Highlander were wearing seat belts and were not hurt.
The two on the Can-Am were wearing helmets.
The driver died at the scene, and his passenger was taken to a local hospital where she later died.
Idaho State Police are investigating the crash.