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100 years ago in Spokane: Drugs and radio were both bringing big changes to the region

 (Spokane Daily Chronicle archives)

A federal grand jury in Spokane handed down nine indictments for narcotics trafficking, along with others for horse-stealing, liquor-dealing and counterfeiting.

The narcotics indictments were more proof that drug-dealing had become a dangerous criminal trade in Spokane. All of the accused traffickers had been arrested during raids in the spring. Some were accused of smuggling drugs in from Canada, others with dealing it out of various hotels.

From the radio beat: Radio was sweeping the region, and the Spokane Daily Chronicle was going all-in on this new modern technology.

The Chronicle already had its own radio station, KOE, broadcasting from the top of the Chronicle building, but now it was announcing two new “radio departments” (radio feature articles) every day.

The first was a question-answer column in which R. T. Carr, “radio expert” at Spokane’s Pacific Telegraph Institute, would answer radio-related questions from readers.

The second was a syndicated “radio science” column out of New York, which would explain some of the “interesting mysteries of the science.”

These two columns were in addition to a regular digest of radio news, titled “Picked Up By Radio,” which was already running in the paper. For instance, in that day’s digest were stories about whether indoor antennas were just as good as outdoor antennas (yes), and about a local contest for the best homemade radio receivers.

Also on this day


1853: U.S. President Franklin Pierce signs the Gadsden Purchase, buying 29,670 square miles from Mexico for $10 million (now southern Arizona and New Mexico).

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