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Letters for June 24, 2022

Congress shows hypocrisy

Bill O’Reilly once said that gun violence and the threat of gun violence are “the price of freedom.” Others seem to think that thoughts and prayers are the answer. However, when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was only threatened with gun violence, not actually shot at, Congress immediately has to pass a new law to protect him and other so-called justices while still allowing more and more school children to be gunned down and doing nothing about it. Who is more important to you, Brett Kavanaugh or your kids?

Bill Todd


Save recess, ditch guns

Many writers to this page have suggested hardening the schools as a way to achieve safe schools. As a retired elementary school educator, I can’t help but wonder about what is going to be done about recess. Believe me, it is an essential part of elementary school.

Would recess be taken away? Better to take away the guns.

Glen Jones

Liberty Lake

Problem isn’t with big oil companies

What is wrong with America’s oil producers? Why won’t they increase production? President Biden is accusing them of “profiteering” and limiting production (“Biden rebukes oil companies for profiteering, limiting capacity,” June 16). Is he correct? No! Along with the many other crises his administration has created, much of our current high gasoline prices are caused by Biden himself.

Biden declared war on the fossil fuel industry before he even took office. He shut down Keystone on day one of his presidency. He has shut down leases for exploration. He has delayed or canceled permits for refineries. These actions don’t go unnoticed by large companies that must make strategic plans years in advance. And while there is an argument that none of those actions will produce oil next week or even next year, it sends the signal that producing oil in America will only be tolerated until the crisis is over.

It takes at least six months to start up a shale oil production field and much longer for drilling, at the cost of millions of dollars. Why would a company make that investment with the threat of being shut down by Biden again just as it begins to produce?

If President Biden really wants to increase domestic production, he needs to admit he was wrong to make war on our producers. He needs to open up leasing, release refinery permits and restart pipelines, while guaranteeing he will not shut them back down as soon as prices moderate.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Hal Dixon


We face bleak future

For many years, workers from North Idaho have driven to Spokane and the West Plains, and now the Valley for higher paying jobs. As gas prices continue to rise with no end in sight, I’m wondering how those workers feel knowing that more of their wages are going into their gas tanks every day just to get to work.

I won’t comment on higher food and living costs that are also out of control. Probably doesn’t leave much disposable income for weekend plans. This administration continues to place the blame on “Putin’s price hike” oil companies, shipping companies and Republicans for not working closely with him. I’m tired of this president telling us that inflation is his top priority. Guess what? It also is for all of us trying to make ends meet.

Don’t be surprised if gas is over $7 a gallon by the midterms in November in this region. Sixteen months into this president’s term and it looks like this. The Dow Jones stocks continue dropping along with Americans 401ks, pensions and retirement funds. We’re closer to officially being in a recession any day now.

Can anyone truly rule out a full-blown depression by the time this inept president and his equally incompetent team of advisers leave at the end of his term? Not me.

Jerry Sletvold

Spokane Valley

Show respect, bicyclists

I’m all for fitness and I admire committed athletes, but I don’t understand why bicyclists choose winding, heavily traveled roads with no shoulder.

My work commute takes me on Carnahan Road, where I frequently find myself at the end of a line of cars trapped behind a cyclist and unable to pass due to oncoming traffic and blind corners. The other day, I rounded such a corner and suddenly faced a pickup passing a cyclist. My options were a head-on collision or a trip down a 30-foot ravine. I managed to squeeze between the pickup and the ravine, sliding on a narrow gravel shoulder. I’m still waiting for my heart rate to return to normal.

I blame the pickup driver, of course, but is it unreasonable to ask cyclists to be considerate of the typically dozen commuters behind them? Risking their own lives is their choice, I suppose, but last week it put mine at risk too. I just want to get back and forth to work in a safe and timely manner. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.

Renee Hohner

Spokane Valley

We need our heroes

Duncan Bean’s letter (“Complicit in denigration,” June 12) was right on!

Our Founding Fathers developed a new type of government, one from the bottom up, rather than from the top down. Many in our country wanted a king to run the country, like the countries in Europe at that time. Lucky for us, our founders had a better idea.

As for their morality, they (and all of us) have spots. George Washington may not have cut down a cherry tree, but he resisted the temptation to be king, like some of his officers wanted. As for our form of government, Winston Churchill was correct when he said a democratic republic is a lousy way to run things, but it is still the best that has been invented.

Also, even though many won’t admit it, we all need heroes to look up to. If we portray everyone in the past as having warts, our young people will have no one to emulate except the fake people on TV and in movies.

Bob Bristow

Chewelah, Wash.

Competition vs. cooperation

Competition is turning the Earth into a hell. Cooperation has the potential of turning Earth into a heaven for everyone. We have enough scientific knowledge to make that possible, and enough faith and love to make that work!

Candy Frankel


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