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Letters for May 18, 2022

Leaked Supreme Court draft on abortion

The recent uproar, particularly by the Democrats, regarding the leaked Supreme Court draft on abortion reveals once again how socially disruptive and intolerant that party has become. The letters and local opinion columns, in our paper, completely ignore these realities: The memo is a draft and not a binding legal document, the memo was maliciously leaked and published to pressure the justices and divert attention from failing Democratic policies in an election year, and the Supremes seemingly wish to have the issue decided at a state level by legislators elected by citizens and not by constitutional jurists in Washington, D.C. Even former Justice Ginsburg, the legal goddess of the left, questioned the wisdom of the Roe decision because it created more division than solution, and should have been handled piecemeal by states-driven challenges, not a national one.

The threats and demonstrations by the left and their political “leaders” completely undermine the validity of their arguments, and continue to poison our society and the required functions of the judicial, legislative and executive branches to maintain order in our country.

Joseph Harari


Pro-choice vs. pro-life

I’m guessing most readers have an opinion on pro-life vs. pro-choice. I get that. Why is it though, we base our choices only on women’s rights? Essentially, we are half the population of America. The other half are men.

So, hear me out as I’m not being facetious, what if we pass a state or federal law requiring vasectomies? Could it be possible to require men to have the responsibility of birth control? Perhaps require men to use a condom for every sexual encounter? Sounds ridiculous right? So why make laws that affect only half the population; women?

Come on people. These choices are between a person and their doctor. As is any medical issue. Will you next go after birth control? I’m guessing yes.

Beverly Gibb


Balanced coverage

I am surprised (then again, maybe not) in the coverage that this paper has given to the recent uproar over the leaked Roe v. Wade draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court. Virtually all of the coverage has been devoted to the pro-abortion supporters. A full page “analysis” was recently printed. Space was also given to the supposed consequences of overturning this 50-year-old precedent, much of which was not true.

There has been no coverage that I have seen about the illegal protesting at the Supreme Court which broke at least two federal laws: (1) 18 U.S. Code 1507 “Picketing or Parading,” and (2) 18 U.S. Code 1503, “Influencing or Injuring Officer or Juror Generally,” both of which carry fines and/or prison and which likely will not be enforced. Nor has there been coverage of the injury of police officers in Los Angeles by rioting pro-abortion protesters. Where is the balance or does the pro-abortion crowd rule the day?

John Kittel


Editor’s note: Since Kittel’s letter was submitted, there has been coverage discussing the federal codes he mentions.

Ray Charles

I was dismayed to learn that Ray Charles is just now being inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame!

This beloved, uniquely American artist passed away nearly two decades ago.

“Brother Ray,” as he preferred to be called, had 92 hit country songs between 1959-1986.

Many of these singles topped the charts over half a century ago!

And he garnered five gold albums and one platinum in his career.

I personally view the fact that Ray Charles wasn’t awarded this recognition, alive and on stage, a failure on the part of the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum!

Joseph Booth


Studded tires

It it shocking how many irresponsible disrespectful car owners continue to grind their way around our dry Spokane streets with their studded winter tires inflicting unnecessary street damage with every turn of the wheel. We are weeks beyond the mandatory date for removal of these road busters, yet clueless people carry on wasting valuable road maintenance resources with their behaviors. Do our police officers ever cite these law breakers?

James Schoepflin


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