100 years ago in Idaho: University of Idaho student set a new record by eating 31 eggs at once, and a Sandpoint man killed his wife and mother-in-law

Warren Noggle, University of Idaho student, set a dubious record: He ate 31 eggs at one sitting.
The occasion was the Beta Theta Phi fraternity’s annual egg-eating contest.
Noggle’s goal was to surpass the previous record of 30 eggs. However, he “weakened visibly with the 25th egg.”
But he gathered his reserves of fortitude and “manfully ordered six more.”
“The distress signal was waving, but the final six soft-boiled eggs in a glass were slowly but steadily devoured.”
He then posed for a photo in front of a pile of egg shells, and “somehow he managed to smile.”
Second place went to Otto Huefner, who quit after 23 eggs, a dozen of which were fried. Huefner, however, also “polished off an entire orange, a whole grapefruit and a slice of toast.”
From the tragedy file: One hour after returning from Palm Sunday mass, a Sandpoint man shot and killed his wife, his mother-in-law and himself in the family kitchen.
His 16-year-old brother-in-law narrowly escaped with his life.
The boy told police that he saw his sister’s husband send the first bullet into his mother’s head. The boy ran behind the narrow space behind the kitchen range, then raced out the door while the man fired shots after him.
The boy ran directly to the sheriff’s office. When officers arrived at the home, they found three bodies on the kitchen floor.
They found a note in the man’s pocket that read, “No life for me any more because my wife, she not love me all; so I kill her first and – good bye – good bye.”