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Letters for Nov. 1, 2023

Vote for Kitty Klitze in District 3

Spokane needs Kitty Klitze to represent District 3 on the City Council.

As a lifelong resident, Kitty understands the challenges we are facing and what needs to be done. She has helped neighborhood councils throughout the city on planning issues. Kitty championed a measure that now requires the city to notify neighbors before approving any new development. Before this measure, neighborhoods found out about new developments when the ground was being broken and it was too late to provide input.

Spokane is growing rapidly. Our Comprehensive Plan will be updated in 2024 to ensure smart growth in our neighborhoods to provide adequate infrastructure and services. We need a council member who is ready to work on this as soon as she is elected. Kitty has this extensive knowledge and experience with city planning. She was instrumental in the adoption of shoreline plans that protect our beautiful river, worked on the team to expand bus service, and the complete streets ordinance.

Kitty is not a one-issue candidate. She supports fully funding law enforcement and working to hire staff for the 60 vacant positions in the police department. A fully staffed police department will save millions in overtime and improve services to citizens. Our first responders in the Spokane Firefighters Union endorse Kitty.

Kitty has worked behind the scenes for many years for Spokane and she is ready to represent District 3 on the City Council.

Teresa Kafentzis


Park board should change ballot date

On Oct. 19, I attended the Browne’s Addition Neighborhood Council meeting. On the agenda was a presentation by the Spokane Parks Department. As I, along with others at the meeting, advocate for our neighborhood and the oldest park in our city, the Coeur d’Alene Park, I was anxious to hear the 25-minute presentation. I was sadly disappointed.

Shared with us was a PowerPoint from the Park Board’s Oct. 12 meeting in which it approved a resolution for an $11.25 million a year, 20-year levy; a total investment of $225 million to revive neighborhood parks. The questions were asked, “Why are we just hearing about this now? Why wouldn’t you reach out to your community regarding this proposal?” The answer was, “That’s why we are here.” When the department was asked why it elected to put a levy request on the ballot in February 2024 without further involving the community, the answer was twofold: “we” need to get this resolution in front of the current City Council before the November election and our consultants recommended we go on the ballot with the SPS levy as it will have a better chance of passing.

In general, I support the concept of a levy investing in our parks. I support informing our community. I can’t support the lack of respect for voters given less than three months to review and ask questions regarding a $225 million investment. The ballot date must be reconsidered.

Michael Pearson


Majority of money goes to schools

A simple check of the assessor’s webpage would alert the taxpayer (“Where’s the money?” Oct. 22) to where the money collected in property tax is used. Approximately 63% of the taxes levied go to schools, state school levy, local school levy school bonds. Thus, it’s not going to roads, jails, personnel costs or other general fund items. Just schools.

Christine Zackula


Vote for Wilkerson

Let’s elect Betsy Wilkerson for City Council president.

I met councilperson Wilkerson as the owner of an adult family home. As a small business owner, she has a unique perspective into city government and its impact on local businesses.

Wilkerson was board president at the Carl Maxey Center, Junior League and Women Helping Women and served for many years on the board of Innovia. There, she saw on-the-ground social issues that impact our community and worked to fund them.

She is only the second Black woman to serve on City Council and will be our first Black president. It’s about time, don’t you think? She knows the issues affecting many of us. When the mayor’s office sought to force the East Central community center to house a police precinct, she boldly spoke to power, insisting that the neighborhood be included in the conversation. She is certainly not anti-police; see her voting record of increasing police funding. She is, however, for justice. When police wanted to see video of her adult family home residents, she wisely protected their rights until the legal process commenced.

Unlike others, she is not just against things, but for progress. She wants more housing and supports fast-tracking permits and making zoning reforms. She wants to encourage homeownership for families of color with accessible down payment assistance.

Review the advertisements for all the candidates. Some are sharing solutions and the truth, while others are not. Vote Wilkerson for Spokane City Council president.

Edie Rice-Sauer


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