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Letters for Nov. 13, 2023

Two things Palestinian supporters forget

There are two things the supporters of the Palestinians choose to forget: One, Hamas was elected by the people in 2006. Two, if Gazans wanted to end their ongoing destruction, they could remove the leadership of Hamas and free the hostages who are still alive.

I stand with Israel and support the eradication of those organizations and people who publicly support the cold-blooded murder of those with a different ideology or religion.

Would it not be a better world if everyone had the freedom of religion we do?

David Bray


For Trump rejectionists

So you think Trump divided our country? That’s like saying Abraham Lincoln divided our country. Democrats viciously opposed him from the beginning, too. The country was already severely divided by one major issue. Now we are severely divided by several major issues.

Many people liked Trump’s policies that promoted a thriving economy and improved the lives of most Americans, but they hated the “constant chaos and drama” that “wore them out.” That’s the old “blame the victim” mentality that women in particular should abhor. Trump was the victim of a nearly daily gang mugging by political, media and bureaucratic thugs. The perfect example was the Democrats’ bogus “Russia, Russia, Russia” collusion hoax and criminal conspiracy behind the counterfeit Mueller investigation designed to depose the elected president, Donald Trump. He fought back, but people blamed him for the “chaos and drama” that “exhausted” them? For crying out loud.

They had to watch in agony in their miserable living rooms while President Trump faithfully fought to make all Americans’ lives better – and did – against those who wanted to control them. Those people won in 2020, and now they’re getting their way. But don’t you just love the “peace and harmony” of it all? It’s happening in California, New York and nearly every big city around the country that’s completely controlled by Democrats. That’s our Washington’s future, and we can already feel the good times rolling over us.

Get a grip on reality in 2024. Elect Trump president, or we lose America.

Bob Strong


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