Men seen leaving woman’s residence after North Hamilton Street homicide, court records say

Men were seen leaving a Logan Neighborhood residence “in a hurry” with a computer monitor shortly after a homicide, court records say.
Police responded to multiple calls of a homicide and the sound of gunshots July 21 inside a home on North Hamilton Street. One of the callers stated he was the victim’s son. He went to check on her as he does every morning, and found her dead in the main bedroom, court records say. The documents identify her as Jackie Wessels.
When he entered the home at first, he encountered a man woodworking outside on the back porch. Once he found his mother, he went back outside and asked him what happened, court records say. The man said he didn’t know, but was going to leave before law enforcement showed because he had outstanding warrants.
Neighbors interviewed by police indicated they saw a dark SUV pull up in the alley beside the home and watched two men get out and enter the house. One was observed to be a white man in his 50s or 60s, another was a white man in his 30s.
Both men left the house in a hurry with a computer monitor and a black bag, court records say, and drove away.
One tenant of the home who was interviewed said he saw two men in the living room that day with a gun on the table. The tenant left to go to the gas station, picked up a person there and came back to the house and started using methamphetamine with that person. That’s when they heard loud bangs from downstairs, court records said. The tenant came downstairs and called 911.
Police said in a previous news release that the victim, identified as Wessels, appeared to have multiple gunshot wounds and believe her death to be a homicide. No arrests had been made as of Tuesday evening.