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Letters for Monday, May 27, 2024

Working residents must miss public meetings

I read in Sunday’s paper that our county commissioners are seeking public input on the comprehensive plan that will guide development, growth and conservation over the next decades.

I was disappointed to discover that only citizens who are available at 2 p.m. on weekdays are being invited to participate and give their input.

Those of us who have obligations at 2 p.m. are out of luck. There are five meetings scheduled.

Couldn’t the commissioners offer a variety of times over the course of these five meetings so they would get a wider variety of folks wanting to participate?

Mary Anne Sullivan


Our neighbors work for the war machine

The hopeful anticipation with which our business and political leaders prioritized aerospace materials manufacturing has been fulfilled by the welcoming of Collins Aerospace to the Spokane area.

According to the American Friends Service Committee’s website, “Companies Profiting from the Gaza Genocide, Collins’ parent company, RTX, is the world’s second-largest weapons manufacturer and largest producer of guided missiles. RTX supplies the Israeli Air Force with guided air-to-surface missiles for its F-16 fighter jets, as well as cluster bombs and bunker busters, which have consistently been used against Gaza’s civilian population and infrastructure.”

It’s sad knowing that some of their newly hired employees will be our neighbors now working for the war machine.

Linda Greene


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