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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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News >  Health

People’s Pharmacy: Can you have a drink when you take Tylenol?

Q. A few years ago, my primary physician said that you don’t have to worry about consuming alcohol and taking acetaminophen together unless you are an alcoholic. What are your feelings on this? Am I damaging my liver if I have one drink while taking Tylenol?
News >  Health

Heart failure death rates on the rise, but local specialists say there’s more to that

U.S. heart failure mortality is climbing after decades of a decline, and it started with a 2012-21 reversal, according to research in the Journal of the American Medical Association that relied on death certificate data. It cited a peak particularly among people under age 45. Two Spokane cardiologists asked about the JAMA report said the picture is broader. One key: People are living longer after heart attacks, cardiac treatments and with other diseases that affect the heart.

News >  Religion

Faith and Values: Hardships give us opportunities to grow and become more resilient

Life is rarely predictable. It is a journey fraught with threads of joy, sorrow, triumph and defeat. And while we often crave stability and certainty, the truth is that unexpected changes and disappointments are inescapable. They can leave us feeling blindsided, disoriented and emotionally adrift. We may find ourselves reeling from the injustice, hurt and profound sense of loss. Yet, within these hardships, lies the potential for growth and resilience.
News >  Religion

Sravasti Abbey nuns hope to bring a little harmony in weekly workshops

Most people have at least a little experience with disharmony – whether it’s a quarrel with a significant other, an argument with a co-worker, a conflict with family or anything that may cause a fracture in unity. When people find themselves in that vortex of stubborn disagreement, they have a choice: to remain stagnant or choose harmony.

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News >  Health

Faith and Values: Living in our contradictions

Over a 10-day period in late April and early May, the United Methodist Church met for its quadrennial General Conference. This meeting of worldwide Methodist delegates determines how we legally organize and set our mission vision.
News >  Home and garden

Ask the Builder: Tips for building a small retaining wall

Last week I wrote about my recent trip to Southern California. I was fortunate to spend time with a dear friend and his wife. I don’t know that I’ve ever met a person who’s more in love with a home than he is. Believe it or not, he’s lived in the same home for all of his 72 trips around the sun. It’s a stunning Craftsman home that was built in 1910.
News >  Health

SCC graduate sought hard-hit respiratory therapy career during COVID pandemic: ‘This is where I need to be’

Recent graduate Jessica Murphy heard the stories describing how hard-hit respiratory therapists were among the hospital workers who battled the pandemic in 2020. They manned the ventilators for breathing when the virus caused respiratory and cardiovascular system issues and watched many patients die. Murphy felt drawn to run toward those challenges, entering the Spokane Community College's four-year bachelor of applied science in respiratory care in fall 2021.