‘Axles 101’
Sen. Tim Corder, R-Mountain Home, conducted a little class for his fellow members of the Senate Transportation Committee just now entitled “Axles 101,” complete with some huge props – giant trucks parked in front of the state capitol, and glossy posters and about how Idaho should allow heavier trucks on its roads because of various features of the trucks’ axles. Corder, who owns a trucking company, was drafted to conduct the session by his fellow senators on the committee, while the Idaho Transportation Department provided informational packets about trucks and regulations and a lobbying group brought in the big trucks and the posters. Corder pointed out the different features of the axles on the trucks and how they work. “This one is a steerable axle,” he said, pointing to one. The smell of new rubber was pungent in the sunshine as lawmakers and a few lobbyists milled around the trucks and their giant tires. Senate Transportation Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell, recessed his committee meeting after the panel got done introducing a slate of bills to allow the members to head down to the steps for Corder’s presentation.