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A&E >  Cooking

Community Cookbook: Labor Day, a holiday of transition and good food like teriyaki-glazed salmon, pineapple upside-down cake

Labor Day reminds me of New Year’s but with fewer fireworks, less noise and the absence of a crystal ball dropping in Times Square. Like New Year’s, Labor Day is a time of transition. Originally a tribute to American workers, the “workmen’s holiday” has morphed into a celebration (or mourning, perhaps) of the end of summer, amid the onset of substantial change in season and routine, especially, if school is involved.
A&E >  Beer/Drinks

The five best movies about wine

What’s your favorite wine movie? I’m thinking of films made for theater or TV that feature wine as a theme, plotline or backdrop. To make my list, a film needs to get the wine part right, and not rely entirely on stereotypes about wine or wine lovers. For this discussion at least, I’m excluding documentaries aimed at the oenoscenti or movies meant to teach us about wine. These are films that tell a story with wine involved.
A&E >  Food

Centering the lentil: Pullman celebrates 35th Lentil Festival

Pullman will be hosting the 35th annual lentil festival on Saturday, with activities for the entire family, including the world’s largest bowl of lentil chili – a 350-gallon vat prepared by Washington State University’s Catering Services - live music, cooking demos, science exploration for the kids and so much more.
A&E >  Dining

Doña-Magnolia embraces a mixture of culinary traditions and flavor experimentation

Doña-Magnolia, which opened in March in the restaurant space of Hotel Indigo, doesn’t just borrow from several food traditions. Italian pastas receive Mexican spices, tortas come with Indian fillings, ceviche is infused with Asian flavors. Chef Manuel Montijo Jr. wouldn’t have it any different – he’s been experimenting with flavors from the beginning.