Full list of House committee assignments
Click below for the full list of House committee assignments for the upcoming 2013 legislative session.
Here's the full list of House committee assignments for the 2013 session:
Local Government
Chair: Barrett
Vice Chair: Sims
Barbieri, Luker, Perry, Clow, Hancey, Harris, Holtzclaw, Horman, Malek, Chew, Kloc, Meline
Health & Welfare
Chair: Wood (27)
Vice Chair: Perry
Hancey, Henderson, Hixon, Malek, Morse, Romrell, Vander Woude, Rusche, Chew
Chair: Bell
Vice Chair: Bolz
Eskridge, Thompson, Gibbs, Miller, Stevenson, Youngblood, Ringo, King
Agricultural Affairs
Chair: Andrus
Vice Chair: Boyle
Bolz, McMillan, Batt, Bell, Agidius, Dayley, Miller, Romrell, Stevenson, VanOrden, Pence, Erpelding
Chair: Henderson
Vice Chair: Thompson
Collins, Crane, Palmer, Barbieri, Batt, Agidius, Clow, Hixon, Kauffman, Monks, Morse, Stevenson, Youngblood, Smith, Rusche, Gannon
Commerce & Human Resources
Chair: Hartgen
Vice Chair: Anderson(31)
Loertscher, Anderst, Hancey, Harris, Holtzclaw, Mendive, Romrell, VanOrden, King, Woodings
Chair: DeMordaunt
Vice Chair: Nielsen
Shepherd, Wills, Bateman, Boyle, Agidius, Clow, Gestrin, Harris, Horman, Mendive, VanOrden, Pence, Kloc, Ward-Engelking
Environment, Energy & Technology
Chair: Raybould
Vice Chair: Eskridge
Anderson(1) Vander Woude, Hartgen, DeMordaunt, Nielsen, Thompson, Anderson(31), Anderst, Mendive, Monks, Morse, Trujillo, Smith, Rusche, Woodings
Judiciary, Rules & Administration
Chair: Wills
Vice Chair: Luker
Nielsen, Bolz, Bateman, McMillan, Perry, Sims, Dayley, Horman, Malek, Packer, Patterson, Trujillo, Burgoyne, Meline, Ringo
Resources & Conservation
Chair: Denney
Vice Chair: Gibbs
Wood(35), Barrett, Moyle, Eskridge, Raybould, Andrus, Shepherd, Wood(27), Boyle, Vander Woude, Gestrin, Miller, Pence, Erpelding, Ward-Engelking
Revenue & Taxation
Chair: Collins
Vice Chair: Wood(35)
Barrett, Moyle, Raybould, Denney, Anderson(31), Anderst, Dayley, Hartgen, Kauffman, Patterson, Trujillo, Burgoyne, Erpelding, Meline
State Affairs
Chair: Loertscher
Vice Chair: Batt
Anderson(1), Andrus, Luker, Crane, Palmer, Sims, Batt, Barbieri, Holtzclaw, McMillan, Monks, Packer, Smith, Gannon, Woodings
Transportation & Defense
Chair: Palmer
Vice Chair: Shepherd
Wood(35), Wills, Bateman, Henderson, Denney, Gibbs, Gestrin, Hixon, Kauffman, Packer, Patterson, Youngblood, Ringo, King, Gannon
Ways & Means
Chair: Anderson(1)
Moyle, Crane, Vander Woude, Rusche, Burgoyne, Pence