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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Let the Great Experiment Begin!

As of tonight at midnight, our diets are going local.  As in, we will be attempting to only eat food that has been grown or raised within a 100 mile radius of Spokane as part of the 7vs7 Locavore: 100 Mile Challenge

So if you encounter us over the next five days and we seem a little grumpy, it's either because the fish aren't biting or we're extremely coffee deprived. 

The 7vs7 Locavore challenge is the third of a collectors series of challenges that we have competed in with our local blog friends.  This one, however, is much larger.  As of the filing deadline on Thursday, there are fifteen competitors - and just scanning the list, we're up against some stiff competition.  Take a look at the rules if you're curious. 

One thing to note about this, is, if you're used to reading DTE, you will likely notice this week that the "we" will be dropped from some of our posts in favor of the singular "I" as we will be filing individual reports on our progress. But don't worry. We'll describe our endeavor with minimal self-dramatics and maximum self-deprication. Alliances will be formed, old rivalries resumed, and somebody will inevitably break down to their animal instinct which lies at the dark heart of 7x7. In other words, it's going to be fun.

There are several ways to follow the competition.  We will be updating our own progress on this blog, as well as our Twitter account. (search #7vs7 for other Tweets associated with the competition)  And the great folks at Spokane Food Blog have set up a FriendFeed to track all of the blogs associated with the challenge - so subscribe to that for up to the minute coverage.

So as they say, let the great experiment begin! 

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.