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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Day 1 Bart: It’s almost over, that’s about as good as it gets

I blame it on the lack of coffee, but, Futurewise’s Feast with Friends event is NEXT Wednesday, not this Wednesday.  I apologize for any confusion.  And now I'm left with figuring out another meal for Wednesday.

was greeted by a cold, clean, and empty coffee pot this morning - and this is one clean no man should have to tolerate. Absent was the glowing blue LED power button that usually distracts me from seeing the glowing "5:40 A.M." 

I reached for the sink and filled up a glass of water. Ugh. I've woken up on a boat on the Pacific Ocean, in a shack in the middle of the bush in Denali, Alaska, and 10,000 feet high in the middle of Montana - and somehow I found a way to get a cup of coffee. Not today though.

Somehow, without my coffee crutch, I was able to fix a salad for my lunch – greens and peppers that I picked up from the Community Roots Market yesterday, carrots and tomatoes from my own garden in my back yard, and some cucumber from a co-workers garden. After getting online to catch up on the other competitors (link), I poured a big glass of Spokane Family Farm Milk and fixed 3 eggs scrambled and put some freshly picked tomatoes on top. IMG_9679

My coffee habit is quite routine so between 6:30 and 7:30 when I’m packing my bag for work, on my bike, and showering and getting ready at work - I hardly ever think of it. Needless to say, this portion of my day was pretty pleasant.

By 9:50 A.M. I was biting my nails, yawning at a pace of about 12 per hour, and resorting to getting up more frequently to fill up my water bottle or use the bathroom, not out of necessity, just simply to stay away.   To help wake up I bit into a delicious apple – and that just might have been the best part of Monday.

A hardboiled egg and a peach at noon – my salad at 2:15, and then on my bike to head home.

Dinner was just alright – ground beef, potatoes, peppers and onions with another glass of milk to wash it down. I’ve decided that garlic is going to be my savior, and I plan on using copious amounts of it on my future meals – good thing we’ve got tons of it growing at my workplace so I can head out and pick it at my convenience.

I’m not looking forward to tomorrow’s coffee detox, however, I received some wonderful news today that I’ll be attending Futurewise’s Feast with Friends event on Wednesday where a good, local meal awaits.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.