Time capsule moments

When Kelvin Peters was diagnosed with terminal cancer, his young daughters knew they would miss many special moments with him. They knew he would never dance at their weddings.
Kaitlin Peters, 21, could not miss that special moment with her dad. She knew her two younger sisters needed that moment, too.
Last month the girls created a wedding event to share with their dying dad. Businesses contributed the necessary dresses, cakes, and photographer. Just three grooms missing. The special event – complete with dad dancing a wedding dance with each daughter – was recorded.
Kelvin Peters will be present when his daughters marry. Present in spirit. He has recorded a message for each future husband and purchased a special gift for each daughter to open when she marries.
The courage and compassion of the girls and their dad may inspire other families to create time capsule moments for each other.
(S-R photo: Spokane River at sunset)