Indeed, it is the best of the Web
Another reason why you should always check James Taranto's "Best of the Web" (snippet is titled, "Southern Charm?":
"The Drudge Report offers an interesting exchange involving John Edwards, from yesterday's 'Nightline' on ABC News:
"ABC's Bob Woodruff: He has avoided the kind of negative attacks that can make national news, although recently, he has stepped up his rhetoric.
John Edwards (clip of a speech): I'd say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind.
Woodruff: There's been criticism that you have been too soft.
Edwards: Do I seem soft to you?
"'You've lost your mind'? Is this really the way to win over swing voters? Well, heck, I don't want to have lost my mind, so I guess I'd better vote for Kedwards. We guess this is Edwards's way of riling up the core Angry Left base, but it still seems awfully crude.
"And what about that 'question' from Woodruff: "There's been criticism that you've been too soft"? Why is a supposedly objective reporter repeating a "criticism" that is purely partisan?