Headlines @ Closin’ Time
*Tiger Woods (the one in the tuxedo in photo at right) weds Swede model in Barbados: Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley among guests/AP: Tiger had to do something to gain attention, now that his golf swing's gone.
*Cheney slip-up sends Net users to anti-Bush site: VP cited factcheck.com in debate but meant to say factcheck.org/Reuters: Kerry/Edwards need all the help they can get.
*Daschle won't call himself 'pro-choice':
Senator avoids directly answering reporter's questions about label/Rapid City Journal: Thirty-one years after Roe v. Wade, and nervous pro-abort pols in Flyover Country still have their fingers in the wind.
*'Hate-crimes' bill to muzzle Christians? House urges committee to include 'sexual orientation' in federal law/WorldNetDaily: Christians should watch this Trojan horse of the Left.
*Afghan VP candidate survives bomb attack: Convoy of Karzai's running mate targeted on last day of campaign/AP: The bad guys' days are numbered in Afghanistan. And Iraq.