Ybarra scores on 2 of 3 top issues
Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra made good on two of her top three legislative priorities during the 75-day session that adjourned last month. But she was less successful with a series of 10 proposed bills that her staff unveiled during an education conference last August. Before the Legislature convened in January, Ybarra told Idaho Education News her top two priorities were erasing recession-era cuts to school districts’ operations budgets (sometimes referred to as discretionary funding) and launching a rural school center. Ybarra’s third major priority was raising teacher pay/Clark Corbin, Idaho Education News. More here.
DFO: I've warmed up to Superintendent Sherri Ybarra since her misstepping election campaign. She did a competent job pushing education bills through a very reluctant Legislature. She has become a breath of fresh air after the two terms of Tom Luna. Thoughts?