Blogos — 4.11.16

A pair of bald eagles raises chicks under the unblinking eye of a web cam. Bald eagles and other nesting birds have become Internet celebrities in recent years with the improving technology of well-placed web cameras. More from Rich Landers' Outdoors blog here. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo)
- Your weekly planner/On Tap
- Better water/Randy Stapilus
- Week in Review/Better Idaho
- Political chaos/Dogwalk Musings
- Wildlife cams bring nature home/Outdoors
- Catch authors Vestal & Ligon Tuesday/7 Blog
- The heat goes on & the voting, too/Slight Detour
- Guess who won't be voting for Trump?/Fort Boise
- There's a 10-year itch in golf majors/Grip on Sports
HucksOnline numbers (for week of April 3-9): 49,657 page-views/33,403 page-views