Sunday Spin 3: Some changes for 2017?
The Public Disclosure Commission wants some changes to the state’s campaign finance laws that might make some candidates happy. It told the House State Government Committee it would streamline the reporting system to get rid of current laws that require comprehensive spending reports on calendar that changes each year based on the date of the election, and requires reports seven days and 21 days before an election.
That time table is left over from the days when most reports were filed by paper, and now most are filed online, PDC staff said. It could be streamlined to report contributions weekly and expenditures monthly.
It would also like large contributions of $10,000 or more to an initiative campaign to be reported with 24 hours by the donor, and within 48 hours by the recipient. And the state needs to remove the limit on large contributions to ballot measures within three weeks of the election, because a U.S. Supreme Court ruling made that unenforceable.