Saturday’s highlights
A wide-open garage like this one in Liberty Lake is an almost irresistible opportunity to burglars, police say. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak
There is a lot to catch up on if you missed Saturday's Valley Voice. Open garages like the one pictured above have been nothing but a free buffet for thieves in Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake. Police have arrested suspects in each city, but there are still more out there. Police are urging people to lock up.
The town of Fairfield is considering a six percent utility tax on electricity usage in order to raise money for street maintenance. A public hearing was held last week and a vote is expected by April.
Last week students from Ness Elementary helped distribute free food at Millwood Presbyterian Church. The food distribution is held every month. The Spokane Valley Fire Department also made an arrest for two recent arson fires. Anthony W. Sotin was indicted by a Federal grand jury on two counts of arson and one count of wire fraud.