Today’s highlights
Mariah, a 10-year old Australian shepherd, enjoys a romp at the Patricia Simonet Laughing Dog Park at Interstate 90 near the Idaho state line on July 3. The off-leash park has been open for five years and is open year-round. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak
It looks like today is a Valley Voice Thursday with a chance of sprinkles. I'll be thinking of this day fondly when it ramps up to above 90 degrees next week. We've got some great stuff for you today, including reporter Lisa Leinberger's recent visit to the Patricia Simont Laughing Dog Park at Stateline. The off-leash dog park is a hit in the canine world and I swear the dogs in the pictures are laughing.
Correspondent Cindy Hval has a humerous tale to share about how she got lost in the woods - in a gated community at Shelley Lake in Spokane Valley. A large group of people turned out for the Spokane Valley City Council meeting this week to voice their opinion during a public hearing on a proposed development agreement with St. John Vianney Catholic Church. The church wants to rezone a piece of property so Catholic Charities can use it to build a low income senior housing complex.
Another public hearing was held last week, this one before the city's Planning Commission to get input on the city's proposed Bike and Pedestrian Master Program. The hearing was well attended and nearly everyone liked the plan.
The Liberty Lake Police Department had a busy week. The town may have been visited by the Bad Hair Bandit, a man was caught stealing dirt from a construction site and police recommended charges be filed on five teenagers for several related crimes.